So, the Queen's Jubilee is over. I started to watch the Thames bit, but I found I got bored - partly becaus eit was, um, a load of boats on teh river.and partly because I thought the BBC's coverage was not up to much. Like my paper said, they seemed to treat it as only entertainment, with riverside semi-celebs making mostly inane comments... 
The Buck House concert I watched from beginning to end, and enjoyed quite a lot of it. Robbie wanted to entertain us. Our Tom did OK I thought, our Shirl belted out "Diamonds Are For Ever", of course. Grace Jones was... Grace Jones. "I Gotta Feeling" didn't quite work for Elton n Macca are getting on. The visuals on Madness' "Our House" were astonishing (see pic). Ed Sheeran did very well, just him and his guitar. The Macca-led climax was good, and then the BBC ran their titles over the fireworks! Anyway, on the whole I enjoyed.
Missed the service but caught the carriage ride n balcony wave, which I found moving really - simply the Queen and her people, respect and, yes, love.
Meanwhile, "The Apprentice" on Sundaye evening. I'm still a fan on this the eighth series. People said there were no nasties this year and it was boring. The most interesting thing was the gradual change in Ricky, the eventual winner - a genuine journey of self-discover I hope.
Meanwhile - up to my neck in Canon Law work at the moment as Thursday 14th is T for Tribunal day, when all the judges of the National Tribunal for Wales are meeting at Shreswbury to decide 9 annulment applications. Yes, I know it isn't in Wales - but it's good for the train connections... So I have to write opinions on four of the cases, each of which has three judges.
So, the Queens, the Apprentices and the Judges - weird mixture, but just a week for your humble pp blogger. Oh, and there is the small matter of four funerals to be organized over the next two weeks, and our 3 Churches Mass, and... and...