This is a piece I wrote for the newsletter this week, that some people found to be powerful.

So here is the great Cistercian monk Thomas Merton
offering an awesome and humbling thought about what is really going on each time we approach the altar... ...
If you are afraid to love,
never become a priest, never say Mass.
The Mass will draw down upon your soul
a torrent of interior suffering which has only one
to break you wide open
and let everybody in the world into your heart.
For when you begin to say Mass,
the Spirit of God awakens like a giant inside you
and bursts the locks of your private
If you say Mass,
you condemn your soul to the torrent of a love
that is so vast and insatiable
that you will never be able to bear it alone.
That love is the love of the Heart of Jesus,
burning within your own heart
and bringing down upon you the huge weight