After breakfast we climbed aboard our coach for the last time, and headed south west to the Mediterranean coast. We stopped for a while at the ruins of ancient Caesarea, centre of the Roman forces at the time of Christ. Here can be seen the aqueduct bringing that precious commodity water. Here is the well-preserved theatre, and various other buildings. Then we continued south through Tel Aviv itself, the largest city in Israel. It is modern and very western. Now swamped by the modern city is what is left of Jafo, ancient Jaffa (left). We drove through the old part and on to a restaurant near the sea, for our last meal together. The last day of our pilgrimages is always a strange experience. Everyone is trying to enjoy the visits,
but we all know that soon it will end.
The flight was a little late, but not too bad. Soon we were back at Heathrow - and Cardiff. And so ended our 2014 pilgrimage. But the memories then have to be sorted out. In Jerusalem and Israel, like Rome, it all comes at you fast and thick. It takes a while to get to grips with what you have seen. Was that really where Jesus was born? Was I really standing on Calvary? Was it here that Peter and the others enjoyed breakfast on the beach?

As I look at the pictures I notice something very simple, but something that warms my heart. In every single picture, people are smiling. To walk in Jesus' footsteps, with brothers and sisters in faith - to eat, laugh, play cards, sing along, pray and worship together indeed brings a deep joy, a profound peace. And the result is that smile of faith.