Friday evening we hosted the annual Mass for people from parishes where there is regular Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This is always a lovely celebration even if numbers were a little down this year.
On Saturday I had an enquiry from a lady about becoming a Catholic. It looks like we may have at least five prospective converts for next Easter, which is great, and it's still only July.
Sunday was a scorching day weather-wise and we were invited to a parishioner's house for a lovely lunch. It was almost too hot to sit in the garden so we relaxed in the conservatory before and after. I always have thought to share a meal is just about the best way to get to know parishioners.
This weekend it was the turn of Christ the King parishioners to be urged by me in the homily to "sign up" to the Vision we have been developing this year. As at St P and St B last weekend, we passed the signature book around as I spoke, and most seemed to sign. I have a sense that this pastoral project is slowly gathering steam, and I hope that by the autumn we will be able to make real decisions and start action to put the vision into place. You can see the statement on
the parish website.

Yesterday, Monday, my nephew and his fiancee came to visit along with my brother-in-law. I always like to see my family, and this visit was particularly to firm up the liturgy for their wedding next month which I am celebrating in Cambridge. That's the church,
Our Lady and the English Martyrs or OLEM, in the picture. I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm sure I'll be posting more about it... Then in the evening I had a very interesting chat with someone in connection with another of the plans I've got bubbling under. I would love to have a small 3 Churches choir that could sing music from the great tradition of church music that we have. 3 or 4 part Masses, motets, anthems, whatever.... I'm sure we could muster maybe 16 folks from our churches (plus a few friends maybe) to sing on a small number of occasions in the year. We'll see...
Then today we had the first Fraternity of Priests meeting for quite a while, what with the new Archbishop's installation, Sts Peter and Paul and a clergy funeral. Eight of us met at Caerphilly and we had a good time with our usual hour prayer/hour lunch/hour sharing format. During the last part it was suggested that we pray with one of our number who's had a trying time pastorally speaking, and that was very special, as it always is on the occasions when we do it. A group of priests praying with and for a brother is a great blessing. Thank be to God.