Thursday 23 October 2014

Back again

I'm back after a break from posting. It's amazing to see how many hits the blog still gets, where they come from and what they are searching for.
Needless to say, lots has been going on...
My toe problem is still not fully resolved. The ulcery thing filled up but is still sort of blistering - they're working on me getting an insole to prevent it coming back. 
I had a nice break in August staying with my brother and sister-in-law...
I became a great-uncle for the first time last week!
We are celebrating 50 years since the opening of St Brigid's church in 1964 - 21st September was the first Mass and 1st December was the official opening. We had a special Mass and Jubilee Lunch in September, and the Archbishop is coming in December...
The Synod of Bishops has been meeting in Rome - very interesting, especially as it touches on my canon law work with annulments etc...
Baptisms, weddings, funerals, meetings, visits - all as usual. 
So just to get things going again - first some nice restaurants I went to in August with family - MomentiEleven and  Rivercross - very good Italian, French and Indian food all in Leamington Spa/Warwick and the very unusual Svea in Cheltenham - a Swedish restaurant, where I had Smörgås Platter. This was a sample selection of a Swedish traditional Smörgåsbord: herring, gravad lax, meatballs, Falukorv, egg halves with kaviar, new potatoes, beetroot salad, skagen and more....
All of these are TripAdvisor and/or Michelin, for those who are into those things. 
Lastly a video too -  a gang of American marines enjoying singing a modern hymn "These are the days of Elijah"

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