Sunday 1 November 2020

God and Man At Table


Welcome to the Feast of All Saints, the beginning of the month of November.  And what a beautiful way to begin the month as we celebrate all of those who are even now with the Lord, beholding Him as He really is!  Tomorrow we move on to All Souls, or the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, to give it its proper name.

Well, things atre getting complicated aren't they regarding lockdowns and all that. Here in Wales our 17 days end next weekend, but England is about to enter their month. Will Wales join them? Who knows. Health is a devolved issue, so....

The song is one I sang at Mass on Saturday evening, although with a "renewed chorus" - "In Christ there is a table set for all" - more PC!  The song is a description of the Feast of the Lamb from the First Reading at today's Mass. It's a dramatic reading, so we can forgive the extra drama in the last verse here...

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