Friday 28 January 2011

A new year...

There seems to be an air of newness in the Church in some ways. Christ the King have our extended and refurbished Parish Centre. St Brigid's has a refurbished kitchen. Even St Paul's has new altar cloths!  The new translation of the Missal is on its way (more of that in later posts), the new Ordinariate is up and running. And, of course, in the not too distant future, we will hopefully have a new Archbishop.
In a few weeks, on February 8th, our two Parish Councils are meeting to discuss a new body to oversee the pastoral life of our 3 Churches. Christ the King is reviewing the adminstration aspect of parish life, with St B and St P to follow possibly later in the year. Several new people seem to have come forward in recent weeks to help in various ways in parish life. And so on.  Maybe it's the beginning of a new year, 2011. An old Latin saying is ecclesia semper reformanda - the Church, always to-be-reformed or renewed.
Here is another of my favourite photos that I took during 2010. This was a simple bowl of summer flowers on a window sill in the church at Rhulen, hidden away in the hills of Radnorshire. The sun lit up the flowers - and the whole church, giving it this warm orangey glow. A lovely sight, a lovely moment - summer 2010.

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