End of a long day...
After one of my postings a few people commented on how many meetings I attended. It's not that bad every day, but, well, today was pretty heavy!
After Mass at Christ the King I set off for the Pastoral Centre to chair the Council of Priests, which happens 3 or 4 times a year. It's the 8 deans, 8 elected reps and a few other ex officio priests. The main topic was to be Vocations, but we had a go first at what other areas can learn from Newport's experience of planning and organizing parishes for the future. As we are doing the same in Cardiff, I thought it wo
uld be useful. Then we got on to Vocations. Fr Paul Millar, our Vocations Director gave a useful short talk with some good quotations eg from Cardinal O'Malley in Boston. (That's him on the left - he's a Capuchin friar, and he's got a blog too, so I'm in good company!) I read out some comments from Fr Bill Isaac, until recently the Vocations Promoter, who couldn't be there.. We had a good discussion, and the Archbishop said he would take the points to the Consultors - a kind of inner sanctum of priest advisors. Some dioceses have really got their act together on this one. So we shall see what happens...

After a chat back at the presbytery with Fr Paul on how it had gone, I had to switch gear and receive the body of Bernard Jones into St Brigid's. I've known his family since I was in school with two of his sons. Bernard was a great character as is Noreen his wife, and he had tremendous faith. When I asked if they minded Bernard's body being in the church during evening Mass, the family said how much he would enjoy that!! Faith and humour - a great combination...
Then off to Corpus Christi High School where the Inspectors were reporting their findings to us Governors. We are not allowed to reveal the findings until they are published on 13th April - but suffice it to say that we are very, very, VERY pleased and proud of our local Catholic high school. Fantastic! The Governors come off very well too - and I even get a mention as Link Governor for R.E! They're a great bunch - very dedicated and of course all voluntary.
Then back to St Brigid's for the latest planning meeting for REFRESH, our May event for 16-30s. Another great bunch! Lots of practicalities to look at, and we were particularly looking at
publicity this time. Someone has prepared a poster which will be appearing soon. There's a real buzz in the group. It looks like the Archbishop is going to celebrate the opening Mass, and speakers will be from London, Bradford, Ireland and Scotland, including John Pridmore (right). Watch this space, as they say.

And so some nice salmon pasta prepared by Mary, our faithful housekeeper. A cup of tea while I'm typing this, some time to unwind, and get ready for Bernard's Requiem tomorrow...