Sunday 19 April 2009

REFRESH update

Interesting phone conversation this afternoon with a family from Aberystwyth, who want to come to REFRESH in three weeks' time. It seems they attended the similar event in Carmarthen last autumn, and got a lot from it. The chat just confirmed for me one of the guiding principles of REFRESH - the need for support, the need just to meet and be with like-minded people of faith. Yes, people are prepared to come from Aberystwyth, Bristol and Hereford in order to get that blessing that comes from simply being together. As usual with any event, there are loads of people working away in the background for REFRESH. The main planning group has met every two or weeks since December, while folks involved with catering, audiovisuals, publicity, liturgy, sacristy, security, child protection, leisure activities, school liaison, site management etc etc. have been busy, busy, busy. Speaker John Pridmore is also a big draw, and quite right too, he is something very special. So please, everybody, keep up the prayers - you can use the special prayer I wrote and which you'll find in the right hand pane on this page. This is one of the biggest "leaps of faith" that I've taken...

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