Saturday 9 May 2020

John 14

'Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me'

These, the first words of this Sunday's Gospel are some of the most familiar to any priest, as the Gospel is the most frequently used at funerals. And we can see why, can't we, as we all want to be reassured in these circumstances.
It is said that the words "Do not be afraid" occur 365 times in the Bible - once for each day of the year.  It is natural to be anxious in various situations, but for a Christian there should be an underlying trust, as Jesus says, trust based on what he said and did.  
And so we can pray for all those caught up in fear at this moment, for themselves or regarding others. We remember those lying alone in their hospital bed, unable to see and touch the very people who have calmed those fears over the years.  We pray for those who are able to be with them, the NHS and care workers.  And for all of us, even as there starts to be talk of easing the restrictions, as in reality nobody can be sure where it is all going.

'Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me.'

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