Monday 6 July 2020

Such beauty

Excellent first instalment of three programmes on Beethoven this evening on BBC4. It's 250 years since his birth in 1770. He's been one of my very favourites since first year university. This was nourished by the near-obesssion with Beethoven of my best friend in university, Ken.  I had quite a few LPs (remember them?) and later, even more CDs. 

A favourite in those days was the Emperor Piano Concerto. I remember coming back to my room and playing it loud when my final exams were over in 1974. I think it would still be one of my discs if stranded on that famous desert island.

So here is a version of the slow movement from the Emperor played by Lang Lang. It's a little fuzzy but played with enormous passion and love. At the first entry of the soloist if you hear a gentle noise it will be me sighing at such beauty...

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