Tuesday 29 June 2010

Pink feet, green shoots, red fish

Someone asked me today how my foot was doing. Answer - very well thanks. Treatment is winding down - no more nice cream for the red bits around the ulcery things coz' they've now faded to pink. Nurses reassure me that all is going to plan, and I'm doing well... It all takes time, apparently.
Have you noticed that most important things take time. That's certainly true in the Church, where we think in terms of decades, and even centuries. Part of our clergy meeting last week was enabling us to reflect on our own spiritual journeys in order to help others. It was certainly a busy week, with no time for any golfers to make use of the surrounding course. One of several main focuses was on this role as spiritual leaders, which Fr Knott distinguished from pastoral leaders, and it's a role for which so many priests feel ill-prepared. Certainly in my experience, helping folks with their spirituality is something I'm spending more and more time doing. God is very patient with us all, as we try to become the people he wants us to be. The sessions on this alone, delivered to 45-50 of us will, I'm sure, have an effect on many hundreds, maybe thousands of people over years to come, that made the four days worth it. Then the emphasis during the latter part of the gathering on understanding the presbyterate as a team and making changes for that to happen, will also, we were all sure, bear much fruit for a long time into the future.
Fr Steven Wang continues to offer fascinating little glimpses into our world in his blog (see the panel right for a link). Recently he told readers about a wonderful children's site called "Poisson Rouge" (Red Fish). The main page is a large picture, every single object in which takes you to a game or puzzle. Although it's for kids, it's beautifully put together, and strangely addictive - you have been warned. 
PS Look out for the dive-bombing eagle on the film-screen section!