Sunday 26 April 2020

Glorious Glorias

One of the things I love about the Easter season is the return of the 'Gloria' to Sunday Mass. It's a great hymn/prayer of praise, and I'm not at all surprised that it has inspired some wonderful musical settings. Being at university was a great time of exploration of classical music, about which I knew very little before. I would hear someone enthuse about some piece and then find out about it and then buy it if I liked it - LP, of course. One of my favourite discoveries from way back then, the early 70s, was Joseph Haydn's ' Missa in Angustiis', better known as the 'Nelson Mass'. Its 'Gloria' is one of the most thrilling I know.  Give it a try here:

Another setting of the 'Gloria' that I first heard all those years ago was the 'Misa Criolla' from Argentina, one of the first settings, with 'Misa Luba' from the Congo, to bring local music and traditions into the liturgy after Vatican II. Listen to the two wonderful soloists, singing with talent and with faith, especially in the central section: 'Senor, Hijo unico Jesus Cristo'...

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